Simona Seminati, MSc

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simona_seminatiSimona Seminati was born in 1991. She obtained the Bachelor degree of Biomedical Engineering in July 2013 at Politecnico di Milano with a bachelor thesis aimed at understanding the effects of radiation therapy on the rheological properties of silicone breast implants. Afterwards she graduated in July 2016 at Politecnico di Milano and she received a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering. Her master’s thesis, performed in collaboration with I.R.C.C.S. Centro Cardiologico Monzino (Laboratory of Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering - LIT), focused onto the development of an ex vivo bicompartimental platform to condition saphenous vein in a oxygen-controlled environment for the study of vein graft disease. She is currently a PhD student in Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano and her current research activity concerns Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.